

Think and exist unstandard to achieve excellence.

We must think and exist unstandard, so the world can elevate its standards.

Unstandard thinking is a philosophy and mindset that promotes a deep perspective, creative ideas, and innovative approaches to problem-solving and decision-making that go beyond simply thinking outside the box. It encourages individuals to question and challenge the very existence of the "box" and to embrace obstacles and difficulties as opportunities for growth and mastery.
Through unstandard thinking, an individual is guided to anticipate needs, exercise foresight, and create solutions that are not only innovative, but also have a positive impact on people, businesses, the planet, and our shared future. Ultimately, unstandard thinking aims to facilitate success, longevity, and a sense of essentiality in any area of endeavor an individual may pursue.

Think Unstandard

Break the mold. Conventional is your enemy. Inspire by defying expectations.

Code #0732

Exist Unstandard

Be yourself unapologetically. Authenticity is your edge.

Code #0916

Create with Care

Each pixel, each stitch matters. Put your soul into your work, quality isn't an act; it's a habit.

Code #0129

Impossibly Ambitious

Aim for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll redefine the sky.

Code #0843

Nurture the Future

Solve tomorrow’s problems today. Legacy is long-term. Forward-thinking future-proofs your impact.

Code #0552

Worthy Pursuits

Chase what matters. Make your time count.

Code #0354

Orchestrated Action

Strategize, then execute. Every move should be a calculated step.

Code #0652

Immensely Authentic

Honesty is magnetic. Pull people in by being real.

Code #0197

Intrinsically Purpose-led

Know your 'why'. Let it guide every action and decision.

Code #0458


Don't just stand out. Become worthy of remark, be unforgettable.

Code #0891

Let It Breathe

Pause. Reflect. A rested mind is a creative mind.

Code #0771

Intentionally Foundational

Build the base strong. The skyscraper will follow.

Code #0614


Don’t wait. Steps create paths. Every journey begins with the decision to act.

Code #0983

Allow Space

Respect boundaries, in design and dialogue. Space allows people and ideas to flourish.

Code #0287


Open doors; don’t just walk through them. Create opportunities, not just for you but for others.

Code #0215


Make a dent. Don't just produce; produce change. Strive for designs that don’t just radiate but truly resonate.

Code #0537


Simplicity reigns. Over-design is noise. Let your work speak clearly.

Code #0621

Give Roses

Celebrate others victories. Recognition fuels drive, and shared successes multiply.

Code #0769

Embrace Autonomy

Trust breeds excellence. Empower your people, and multiply your output.

Code #0349


Be the hero of your narrative. Stand for something, your cause defines you.

Code #0401

Reframe It

See the obstacle as the path. Problems are just unexplored solutions.

Code #0472


See the unseen. Make it your blueprint.

Code #0418


Design is always a response. Insights exist everywhere, watch patterns, read signs. Respond in fashion.

Code #0850


Build frameworks, not just goals. Structure scales.

Code #0607


Think in decades, not days. Quick wins aren't victories. Trendy is temporary, quality lasts.

Code #0321


Evolve or expire. Keep iterating; there's always a better version.

Code #0932

Add Value

Don’t just decorate, elevate. Make every decision count.

Code #0072


Two ears, one mouth, use them in that ratio. Be a sponge, absorb everything. Your greatest teacher is your last mistake.

Code #0911

Five Percent

The last 5% makes all the difference. Excellence is in the details.

Code #0528

Make it Lovable

If it doesn't evoke emotion, it's just a thing. Love isn't a 'nice-to-have,' it's a 'need-to-have.'

Code #0814


Results speak. Make sure yours are fluent.

Code #0228


Build it right the first time. Get to 75%. Launch. Then, refine to 100%.

Code #0905


Ends justify means. Impact validates. Success is success however it’s achieved.

Code #0246

Trust Yourself

Your gut knows. Silence the noise — listen to yourself.

Code #0189

Be Childish

Keep the wonder alive. Adulting can kill creativity. Never lose your childlike fascination.

Code #0274

Lead Proper

Leadership is earned, not appointed. Inspire by example. Be the cheerleader, the critic, the mentor. Empower everyone.

Code #0990

Hands Off

Let go. Autonomy breeds innovation. Control stifles.

Code #0443

Find The Good

Optimism is a strategy. Pessimism is a roadblock. See the good, and watch it grow.

Code #0079


Own your craft. Leave your mark. Your work should be unmistakably yours.

Code #0389

Top Floor

Lift others up. The view's better together.

Code #0641


Culture isn't perks, it's people. Build a community, not just a team. It's your brand's heartbeat.

Code #0955

Rebellious Curiosity

Complacency kills. Ask why until you understand every angle.

Code #0710